
Multigraded Stillman Conjecture

Georgia Tech Algebra Seminar, Atlanta, GA
AMS Special Session on Topics in Commutative Algebra and Algebraic Geometry, Savannah, GA Website
URiCA (Upcoming researchers in Commutative Algebra) 2024, Lincoln, NE
AMS Special Session on Homological Methods in Commutative Algebra and Algebraic Geometry, San Francisco, CA Website
UW Madison Algebra and Algebraic Geometry Seminar, Madison, WI Website
Iowa State University Algebra and Geometry Seminar, Ames, IA

Missing Data and Likelihood Geometry

ACMD Seminar (NIST), Boulder, CO Website
Center for Computing Sciences, Bowie, MD

Sheaf Laplacians and Missing Data

UW Madison Graduate Applied Math Seminar, Madison, WI
JMM Special Session on Commutative Algebra and Algebraic Geometry, San Francisco, CA Website

Toric Varieties, Syzygies, and Missing Data

Center for Communications Research, Princeton, NJ

Multigraded regularity of curves

JMM Special Session on Recent Developments in Commutative Algebra, San Francisco, CA Website
Algebra Days at ASU, Tempe, AZ Website
AG23 Mini-Symposium on Castelnuovo-Mumford Regularity and Applications, Eindhoven, The Netherlands Website
Western Algebraic Geometry Symposium (Poster), Riverside, CA

Likelihood Correspondence of Statistical Models

UW Madison Graduate Algebraic Geometry Seminar, Madison, WI
University of Hawaii-Manoa, Manoa, HI
Institute of Mathematical and Statistical Innovation, Chicago, IL Website

Virtual Resolutions and Syzygies

AMS Special Session on Building Bridges Between Commutative Algebra and Nearby Areas, Salt Lake City, UT Slides Website
Center for Computing Sciences, Bowie, MD
UW Madison Graduate Algebraic Geometry Seminar, Madison, WI
GAeL XXIX (Poster), Orsay, France Website
Western Algebraic Geometry Symposium (Poster), Fort Collins, CO

Introduction to Intersection Theory

UW Madison Graduate Algebraic Geometry Seminar, Madison, WI Website

Chip Firing on Graphs

Madison Math Circle, Madison, WI Website

Syzygies and Koszul Cohomology

UW Madison Graduate Algebraic Geometry Seminar, Madison, WI Website

Rooms on a Sphere

UW Madison AMS Student Chapter Seminar, Madison, WI Website

Algebraic Geometry Beer Label

Delta Beer Lab, Madison, WI Slides Website

Introduction to Boij-Söderberg Theory

UW Madison Graduate Algebraic Geometry Seminar, Madison, WI Notes Website

Breather Soliton Interactions for the Quaternionic KdV Equation

AMS Contributed Paper Session on Partial Differential Equations, Baltimore, MD Website

Quaternion-Valued Solutions to the KdV

JMM Undergraduate Poster Session (Poster), Baltimore, MD
College of Charleston Mathematics Colloquium, Charleston, SC Slides Website

Affine Transformations and Fractal Images

Data Science Club, Charleston, SC

Singular Value Decomposition and Digital Image Processing

Data Science Club, Charleston, SC